If you please
May 16, 2008Hello clammbon fans. Honestly, it is hard to justify importing expensive CDs and DVDs from Japan when my wife says that we’re supposed to be saving money. But what about the web site? Surely I should have these new products when they come out, and I should document them on the site and help more people understand and enjoy them.
So, I have just signed up for an Amazon Honor System account. If you would like to help me buy the new tour documentary DVD tayu tau, please consider giving a few dollars. If I manage to get it, I will do my best to post material on the site to make the film as accessible as possible for English-speaking fans: I’ll give summaries (or maybe even full translations) of any spoken scenes, and I’ll give priority to translating songs that appear in the movie. When the goal is reached, I’ll remove the donation link until another important product is released; I don’t want to profit from this site.
I have also started the process of signing up for the YesAsia affiliate program. Once it’s ready, you’ll be able to support this site, at no extra cost, whenever you order clammbon stuff (or any other Asian entertainment products)!
Of course, there is no obligation at all to donate. If you enjoy this site, and if I have helped you to appreciate clammbon’s music, then you have already given me the greatest gift I could have hoped for. Thank you.