Unofficial English clammbon fansite

JP signed!

It’s been about a year since I met Ms. Ikuko at Kichimu, and I still think back on it as a symbol of the sort of experiences I want to have in life, especially as I’ve settled back into the ordinary day-to-day on the other side of the planet. One of the friends I made at the art exhibition contacted me to say that he’d attended a signing on the JP JumP JaPan tour, where the band played their first album in its entirety to celebrate the 20th anniversary. Well, he had them sign a copy of the JP vinyl reissue for me, and apparently Ikuko remembered me! She dedicated it to me by name and added a little “Hello!” beside her usual doodle. Twenty years ago, stomping around my college campus listening repeatedly to my MiniDisc of this strange band from a strange land, I never would have imagined that such a thing could ever happen. Thank you, dear friend!